You and your spouse have made the decision you are getting a divorce. It is difficult, I know. As a divorce mediator there is a saying that “criminal courts see bad people at their best and family courts see good people at their worst.” The reason for this is the emotion. Divorce is difficult and inserting an adversarial, and often contentious piece, like the court system, into this mix just makes things worse. That is why more and more people are opting to take their case out of the hands of the judicial system and retain control of their lives in a way that is impossible without mediation. The next logical question is, “how do we choose a divorce mediator?” Don’t fret, I’ll tell you!
Don’t go in unprepared. I know some of you don’t have the first clue about mediation while others are quite familiar with the process. Even if you know a lot about mediation, choosing a divorce mediator requires some up front knowledge about what to look for in the firm, the system, the divorce mediator(s), and the larger team. Come armed with that knowledge. Knowledge is power!